WordPress backward compatibility

Compatibility is one of the benefits of keeping your WordPress system, plugins, and themes up to date.

In the WordPress ecosystem, some plugin and theme creators have begun forcing you to update the Core to a minimum specific version before installing or updating them.

This is partly because maintaining WordPress backward compatibility with previous versions can require a lot of technical effort. For example, it requires testing on more different versions of the system where the development will be used.

Restricting to the most recent versions, in addition to taking advantage of the latest Core features, allows for lighter and safer development.

The WordPress Core suggests a minimum PHP version by default, allowing the community to move forward.

As a community, we can contribute to reducing the number of installations around the world with obsolete versions and making it possible to stop supporting them.

My recommendation is not to let too much time pass without updating plugins, themes, and the WordPress Core and replacing the abandoned software.

Jos Velasco.

CC0 licensed photo by Ivan Zhuck from the WordPress Photo Directory.

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